United States in Texture Wallpaper

While writing my recent post about redrawing the state lines, I came across a few maps featuring different layouts for maps. Three maps stood out that drew inspiration for a custom map themed wallpaper. The following is a list of the maps:
- A map of the world using typography to create shape of countries. It’s well done.
- Here’s a map made mostly blue state flags.
- And the one that drew the greatest inspiration, the somewhat inaccurate United States of Baseball.
Looking at these maps and the great variety of high quality textures found at lostandtaken.com, I came up with a new wallpaper that showcases the patchwork nature, individuality, and cohesian that truly make the United States in Texture.
Download Wallpaper
Feel free to download the map and use it as you wish. If there is a size that you would like and it is not listed below, just let me know in the comments and I can add it for you.